19 Oct. 15

It’s National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month

October isn’t just Breast Cancer Awareness month, among many other causes, it is a month to raise awareness about shelter dogs.  That’s right, it’s National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month!  This is a cause that can bring joy to both families and dogs.  Here are 7 reasons why adopting a shelter dog is awesome…so help spread the word!

#1:  You could be saving a life.  According to www.aspca.org  approximately 1.2 million dogs are euthanized each year.  That’s a staggering number of dogs being destroyed.

#2:  You won’t be supporting puppy mills.  There is cruelty in mass breeding facilities.  Often, the animals spend their lives in a cage producing litter after litter and are destroyed when they are no longer a profit center.  Conditions are often dirty and crowded and the breeding dogs aren’t getting the companionship from a loving family they crave.

#3:  You get a dog who is already potty trained.  Everyone knows what a pain it is to deal with potty training a puppy no matter how cute they are.  When you adopt an adult dog from a shelter they usually have worked out the whole potty training thing and you get to skip that part.

#4 : You get a healthy animal.  Most shelters examine a dog upon arrival and make sure they are healthy and vaccinated.  Many also spay or neuter animals when necessary.

#5:  You know exactly what you are getting.  Most shelters have observed enough about their dogs in residence to tell you the temperament of the animal and how they will do with children.

#6:  You save money.  Adoption fees are usually nominal and a whole lot cheaper than buying from an exclusive breeder.

#7:  You set a great example to others.  When you adopt a dog from a shelter you are encouraging others to do the same.  Especially when they see what a cute and awesome dog you got!